"People noises" like chewing, swallowing, coughing, snoring, etc, will make my skin crawl. Over the years I've learned to tolerate some by reminding myself that they will be over soon. But, things like chewing and swallowing and snoring are not necessarily transient and I wish I could say I don't still sometimes leave a room because of them (I remove myself, usually, because I consider this to be 'my' problem and I'm not going to disrupt things if me leaving is going to solve the issue). I also wish I could say I haven't, on occasion, made my SO eat his candy outside the car because I was going to throttle him between the chewing/smacking/cellophane rattling.
As a SPD sufferer, I fin this noises incredibly hard to block out, and I often leave the room, panic if I stay, or have to turn music up really loud. Chewing and swallowing would be the worst two, I can't even be NEAR someone else eating before I run.
On the same note, the buzzing of signs, TV noise, my laptop, and even the quiestest noise a car make is something I also cannot block out. Sometimes, the only way to solve the problem is to run.