Confusing compliment
I'm majoring in TV-Radio-Film production. Today in my comm 101 my professor asked me if I was majoring in speech communication. I asked her why and she told me that I was "very good" at giving presentations and that my delivery is very "audience centered".
I find this suprising because I hate getting up in front of people to speak, and when I do speak I usually block out the audience completely to focus on what I want to say, and often I usually end up staying just ahead of my own thoughts. Often I make mental mis-steps, skipping over or goofing up the order of things I want to say.
So I find it odd that I would get complimented for doing such a good job when in my own perception I barely keeping up with the everyone else.
Your thoughts?
Also, what does "audience centered" mean? I can't picture this at all.
I live my life to prove wrong those who said I couldn't make it in life...
We don't usually see ourselves the way others see us. Even though in your mind you know you are missing things or screwing up something you meant to say, no one else knows that. They only see what you allow them to see.
I'm not entirely sure what your teacher meant by this. She may meant that your presentation was well-directed to the audience (as far as the type of group you're speaking to, and how you cater to their tastes). Or maybe, she just thought you had good presentation skills, and kept everyone engaged in what you had to say.
I understand completely. I've always gotten great marks for public speaking, but feel the same as you about my own speeches. How clear is your voice? I think that can also be a part of it - a good clear voice.