Danielismyname wrote:
I think this is the latest update on PDDs:
DSM-V proposed changes
What would they call it if you have bad social impairment as a child, but less so as an adult (I am told nowadays I have social impairment, but it's not quite disabling)
See where those X's are, that's probably where I fall if Im on the spectrum, lol. Actually I don't know if I could be considered sub-clinical or mild by those standards... I can't really tell how socially deficient I am since I'm not very social. I just know it was bad enough as a kid that they had me in counseling for social skills and stuff.
Crazy Bird Lady!! !
Also likes Pokemon
Avatar: A Shiny from the new Pokemon Pearl remake, Shiny Chatot... I named him TaterTot...
FINALLY diagnosed with ASD 2/6/2020