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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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23 Dec 2009, 3:50 am

This is a question I have I don't know if it is Autism/Asperger related. I always wondered why my vocabulary is so limited. I have about a 6th or 7th grade vocabulary. I was always told it's from my learning disability: Auditory Processing Disorder. But I never understood why. Than I was told since the teachers always taught them verbally that's because. So that made sense since everything I learned in high school I don't remember unless it was visual. Also, I was told I have major difficulty in expressing myself verbally. I have word retrieval deficit. I also read online about a learning disability called Expressive Language Disorder, and that totally is another thing I have. It more goes in with the oral expression difficulty. Since I read about that learning disability I understood why my vocabulary is so limited. I have trouble learning new vocabulary. Sometimes I use words I have read or hear a bunch of times hoping it will fit usually it does other times people look at me like what did you just say?

I was just wondering would this difficulty in oral expression/expressive language disorder and auditory processing disorder any way go with Autism or Aspergers or is it totally something different?


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23 Dec 2009, 3:55 am

Lots of people with autism have auditory processing issues and issues with expressive language.

Although, people with Asperger's typically have large vocabularies.

23 Dec 2009, 4:00 am

My verbal IQ had always been low and it went up every year.

I have a language processing disorder. I don't know much about it.
I sometimes struggle learning new words and understanding the meaning of them. I also don't always know what words to use as I speak. I have no idea what this is part of, I assume it's part of my learning difficulty.

I am one of those aspies who was never advanced in vocabulary even though I had been told in high school I used big words. Kids didn't know what "blunt" was or "taboo" or "defiant" or "forte" "Illogical" "logical" "agitated."
Well I was reading about AS and watching Benny & Joon and I learned these new words. Plus I learned some from my shrink I was seeing in high school. I used to pull out my brothers Children's Dictionary and look up words. The definitions were so easy I was able to understand them.

Blue Jay
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23 Dec 2009, 4:27 am

Sometimes I process things slow; other times I process things very fast. It fluctuates. Sometimes I use words I don't really know, and usually I use them correctly, other times the other person isn't advanced enough to understand what I just said, and other times I totally bomb it.

23 Dec 2009, 7:29 am

I had that difficulty. My occupational therapist called it my motor and she say my motor is running too fast and I needed to slow it down. That's another reason for the therapy I was doing. My mind be running so fast my mouth couldn't keep up with my thoughts. With people talking, I sometimes find I can't keep up. Kids thought I wasn't paying attention when I was in high school and I often got "Pay attention" when it was obvious I was in special ed. I had an aid with me. My mom told me they were just kids and they don't think that way and they just think I choose to not pay attention so that's why I'm in special ed. I also can't listen for long periods of the time so I tend to zone out and I don't process all the words because I didn't hear everything the teachers would say and listening too long puts me to sleep. I am not sure that that is part of, ADD or Language processing disorder or a overload I'm getting. All these words.

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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23 Dec 2009, 10:32 pm

My main vocabulary is younger type but other times I use words my sister in High School doesn't even know. Sometimes someone would repeat what I said and ask what it means and I don't know how to describe it or know what it meant. I don't know where I get some of the words I use. I tried going to college and those words, were wow. I couldn't understand a thing I was reading.

That's for me too sometimes I process things slow other times really fast. I always got the Pay attention, sometimes still do. I guess I zone out as well. Sometimes I don't even realize the person is still talking to me. I always so yeah, oh okay and then when someone is like so what did i say? or what are your feelings on it? Than I am like I have no idea what you said.

Just last year I kept saying I got scared because I did, but then my grandpa was like did you mean you are startled and I just kind of sat there like what? I don't even know the difference. I still don't. Even if I get startled I am scared out of my skin.

I have the same thing Spokane_Girl I have trouble learning new words and understanding the meaning or where to put them in a sentence. In high school in English. Everyone would be learning new vocabulary words or know what the words were on the test. Even though we would go over them, I don't remember going over it or what they meant as well as never seen them in my life.

Actually, I glad you said that about the motor running too fast, Spokane_Girl. I have the same problem at times, sometimes I will talk so fast, or that the words or sentences will just come out. Sometimes now a days when in conversations, I can't keep up in one conversation, I fly into a whole different one not even finishing the first one.


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24 Dec 2009, 1:13 pm

What's ironic with me is that I've always had an "advanced" vocabulary skill level, but I've also had problem pronouncing some words even when I know how they sound. It's like my tongue literally trips over itself trying to say the word.


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24 Dec 2009, 1:16 pm

I have a fairly good vocabulary, although I can't use much of it as I have trouble expressing things. Something can be clear to me, but I can't get other people to try to understand it.