A new technology is under development that might make life just a little more difficult for us aspies: Computers learn to read our faces.
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch wrote:
Venayagamoorthy is part of a new effort at the University of Missouri at Rolla to identify facial expressions with computers armed with cameras. The group hopes the devices will help companies know if their workers are awake and give the government new tools to separate the sketchy from the merely scared.
"When the immigration or customs officer is talking to him, all of a sudden it will come up on the screen - 'this guy is suspicious' - and the officer will do the next level of screening," Venayagamoorthy said.
To add to its abilities to determine emotion, the group hopes to add analysis of a person's speech or gesture.
This could pose all kinds of problems for us because of our flat affect, monotonous voices, and clumsy body language. Even if we follow proper procedure and have no reason to be suspected, this software might label us as suspicious.
This is a disturbing trend. I'm worried. Are you?