aspiegurl wrote:
Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse
Joined: Jan 19, 2006
Posts: 41
PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 7:51 am Post subject: When did you learn to tie your shoes? Reply with quote
I know this is a peculiar question but I heard somewhere that autistic people have trouble learning to tie their shoes. Now I don’t know if this is true but I was wounding about it because I never learned how to tie my shoes until about the age of 13. Before then all the other kids on the playground had to tie them for me.
What makes this a valid question is that most people take
for granted the simpliest things and put down those who
don't grasp it at a "what is considered normal pace".
In the autism spectrum many things aren't taken for granted
and might develop in a progressive skill level, or coping level.
For example your shoelaces are my reading a type of contract
with someone and a simple statement is made that most would
understand and yet I require at 40 a fine-toothed paper and
go line by line and find that some of the easy to grasp statements
that are implied aren't clear and require clarity.
Thanks for this reminder, Aspiegurl!
Hmmmmmm? What made it difficult to tie your shoes?