Do people have to be careful what they say to you?

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22 Jan 2010, 7:59 pm

Comments my family make some good some bad I "hang onto" and think of and repeat what they said and the event in my head over and over. So I feel awful if we get into an argument because I'm the type that will hold onto that and remember the argument/event vividly and remember exactly what was said towards me. This can be good though at times for example when I mention my views on College students my sister said most people don't think like you I said oh. (That's a statement I ponder alot) and it really helped me understand myself that YES most people DON'T think like me. but you also have the other side of things huge yelling arguments sometimes leading to threats to get kicked out of the house. So fellow Aspies do you feel people have to be careful what they say to you and how do you deal with that issue? (Trust me I wish EVERYTHING people said to me was positive it'd make my life a HELL OF A WHOLE LOT EASIER!! !!)

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22 Jan 2010, 8:01 pm

Yes, yes, yes, yes...definitely. I get told by my mum that she constantly 'tiptoes around me' - which I got her to explain XD

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22 Jan 2010, 8:38 pm

Yeah I do that all the time, it drives people nuts. I'm trying to stop!

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22 Jan 2010, 8:58 pm

Who, me? :wink:


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22 Jan 2010, 11:50 pm

No, I have to be careful of what I say to them. I don't say much because it drains energy and unless carefully thought out it is unproductive. I think I may have gone an entire day a few times without saying anything to anybody.

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26 Jan 2010, 12:38 am

Guess it depends on what they say. Being negative around me is never a good is too short. Or saying things about an interest I have and trying to tell me I'm wrong..that will definitely get me going.

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26 Jan 2010, 5:23 am

People seem to tell me lots of things. They seem to confide in me even if I've only known them for less than a week. It's strange, but I think it's because I'm the opposite in that I hardly ever repeat what people say whether they want me to or not. I just don't have the desire to because what they said to me shouldn't matter to anyone else.

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26 Jan 2010, 5:25 am

Not personally, but my mother is like this. I haven't quite worked out in all my 28 years what the trigger is. But it has really affected my relationship with her, so be careful with your family and try not to let it get the better of you.


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26 Jan 2010, 6:50 am

mikkyh wrote:
I get told by my mum that she constantly 'tiptoes around me' - which I got her to explain XD

Hehe, the metaphor would be so appropriate if it was the other way round! :lol:

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26 Jan 2010, 7:03 am

People have to be careful, what they say, around me. I'm a highly sensitive person, and me feelings get hurt, very easily. I can't handle criticism or getting yelled at. I also can't handle dirty jokes, either. I'm a big softy, with a big heart. :cry: :heart:

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26 Jan 2010, 7:06 am

Not necessarily they have to be careful what they say..... But then some of the aggressive comments I get do tend to hurt my feelings but sometimes I would be unable to identify if they are making a joke or not?

But I let people say they speech and they don't have to be careful as only negative comments only hurt me.

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