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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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06 Jan 2010, 12:33 pm

Hello! I live in the UK and I'm 'neurotypical'. I have grown up with Autism and Asperger's Syndrome all around me all my life, though. My mother is a Speech&Language Therapist and in the UK she is a forward thinker and considered top-of-the-game on Asperger's Syndrome, espicially in 'mainstream schooling'. I have many Aspie friends, and over the years have lived with many Aspie and 'high-functioning autistic' people (I hate any term with that in it!!). Also I went on to study Physics and Uni...

Anyway, I'm here because I watched Alex's mini-documentary and it touched me. I have, since I was old enough to, always been campaigning and trying to make people understand and appreciate Autism better. I know I'm 'neurotypical' and so don't have the unique and, IMHO, sometimes wonderful view of the world those on the spectrum might have, but I have other fun 'problems' that put me on a whole new wavelength.

ANYWAY, as I ramble and rant I'll get to the point, if I have one...I loved that documentary, and it gave me the courage to come on here and say it. Having written articles etc on autism I've come across this site in my research, but never thought I could maybe go on it. Even though I had to declare I was 'neurotypical' not that I think I am... i just wanted to say that I appreciate Autism, and I get it as much as someone can, I guess. And I am so amazed at this site proper, its great!

So, if I can help or advise people on stuff, go for it. I'm a 'neurotypical' ear to your problems, and like, a fresh set of earrs and eyes on stuff.

Great documentary Alex!

Thanks for putting up with my rambly post guys!



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06 Jan 2010, 12:44 pm

Welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay :)

I'm a writer, not a fighter and my pen is always loaded.

Magnús Scheving is my Icelandic rose :)

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06 Jan 2010, 1:16 pm

Hello Lydzi and welcome to Wrong Planet. Wonderful first post. Thanks for your offer of support and for lending your ears.


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06 Jan 2010, 1:17 pm

It's refreshing to see an NT who cares so much about those on the spectrum. Welcome! :D


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06 Jan 2010, 3:00 pm

A perfect example of how neurodiversity can enrich both those who are typcial and those who are atypical.

It doesn't matter whether we are talking about neurophysiology, ethnicity, belief or any other dimension of diversity--we are enriched by the differences of those around us.

Thanks, Lydzi.
