How do you find a doctor who's even remotely knowledgeable?

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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07 Jan 2010, 6:00 pm

I just spent the last 2 hours (in addition to innumerable hours in days prior) searching the internet and making phone calls, and it seems all I can find are answering machines and incompetent idiots who have never even heard the term "progressive developmental disorder." I'm just about ready to give up on figuring out if I have this or not. I don't know what to do. How do you find doctors who don't suck?!?


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07 Jan 2010, 6:21 pm

Find an autism organization around your area or group, and ask them for help.

EDIT: Also, I think the term you are looking for is PERVASIVE developmental disorder.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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07 Jan 2010, 6:27 pm

I called at least 5 of them, but none of them could help. Then, as soon as I left the computer a couple of minutes ago, I walked past the TV and saw an ad for the UCLA Center for Autism Research and Treatment. How helpful, in a creepy sort of way. I'll call them in just a moment.

And I can't believe I called it "progressive." I know I used to call it "pervasive;" I wonder how long I've been saying it the wrong way. Weird.

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07 Jan 2010, 6:34 pm

... and I got another voicemail, after having to look up a cached version of their "Contact Us" page since their servers weren't responding. My day in a nutshell.


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07 Jan 2010, 6:45 pm

Most services are for kids. Just gotta keep plugging away.

If you are in the LA area you might try an organization called AGUA. It's a support/advocacy group for adults on the spectrum. I think you need to be dx'ed to join, but maybe they have a list of good adult assessing professionals. It's run by a guy named Jerry Newport, so google that and "agua{" and you ought to get something.

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07 Jan 2010, 9:04 pm

Cactus_Man wrote:
I just spent the last 2 hours (in addition to innumerable hours in days prior) searching the internet and making phone calls, and it seems all I can find are answering machines and incompetent idiots who have never even heard the term "progressive developmental disorder." I'm just about ready to give up on figuring out if I have this or not. I don't know what to do. How do you find doctors who don't suck?!?

Have you seen this list? - - It might have some clinicians you have not yet tried.

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07 Jan 2010, 9:13 pm

Autism Organizations are a great idea :), but a 2nd suggestion is asking friends/family for help who are either in the medical/therapy field or have friends/coworkers who are. Personally I have it easy b/c my mother is an occupational therapist & most of my other relatives are in education. Do you have any competent doctors? Ex. Physician, psychiatrist/psychologist, opthamologist (eye doctor), dentist, neurologist (good option b/c autism is classified as a neurological disorder), etc. Asking anyone you know & trust who is in medical field is probably a safe bet. Keep searching :)

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08 Jan 2010, 8:03 am

The only people who know about autism are autistic people, so are there any Aspie doctors? If not, some members here need to get their asses to medical school! :P


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08 Jan 2010, 9:59 am

How do you find a doctor who's even remotely knowledgeable?

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08 Jan 2010, 10:09 am

zeichner wrote:
Cactus_Man wrote:
I just spent the last 2 hours (in addition to innumerable hours in days prior) searching the internet and making phone calls, and it seems all I can find are answering machines and incompetent idiots who have never even heard the term "progressive developmental disorder." I'm just about ready to give up on figuring out if I have this or not. I don't know what to do. How do you find doctors who don't suck?!?

Have you seen this list? - - It might have some clinicians you have not yet tried.

both doctors in my state are about an hour away from me... but probably expensive.

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