I used to be so wounded by what others said and people would tell me "I don't care what others think about me. Who cares what they think?" and I would wonder do they really not care or are they just pretending not to so they will neutralize the power others have over them? I think I said the same thing sometimes "Who cares what they think anyway?" and then obsessed over it for a few weeks, worrying constantly, wondering what I could do to change any of it, which usually seemed like not much. In the end it was me who ended up feeling neutralized and weak, like I had no control over my life. It is better if you can keep yourself from obsessing on what other's think.
Now I care at times, but these days my stresses have been reduced by 99.09% and I feel so much better. Is there a particular person or people who stress you out more?
Neighbors were the ones who were stressing me out and when they moved my stress moved with them and I am better able to cope than I ever have been before. I've also never experienced the same kind of difficulties I have with others that I did with them.
Life is much easier for me now. Sometimes seperation and moving on are all you can do. I don't know if I could call myself sensitive or what, because, for the most part, I am not that close to people emotionally but most don't bother me that much in my day to day life and I don't find myself obsessing and worrying much nowadays. Objectively, I am better off psychologically than I have ever been in my life and it is a major relief.
People who harshly criticise usually do more harm than good. If you realize you are being criticised it means the person doing it isn't going about it the right way for you. They should criticise you without you realizing it. Mostly they do this by taking away negativities and putting a positive spin on advice they give.