qawer wrote:
Agreed, I know many NTs enjoy music immensely.
But I think their enjoyment of music is much connected to the social context in which it exists. I have the idea that Aspies are often great at enjoying music merely for the music itself. Perhaps also because of the repetitive aspect of music (melody, rhythms etc.).
Curiously enough, some part of my enjoyment of songs is from the lyrical content that will often speak of relationships to other people. In listening to the lyrics or singing/humming along to them, I kind of find myself imagining the POV of the singer, and how they experience love, friendship etc.
Like felinesaresuperior, I'm a nature lover and I enjoy the beauty of nature to a fairly deep extent. I used to enjoy drawing, but in recent years, I've gotten out of practice and have dropped it as a hobby altogether. I used to consider myself an artist, but I no longer do. There is no inspiration, there is no will to continue drawing, it's as if I have a very persistent 'painter's block'. It hurts and it feels like something has been lost inside of me. I now try to compensate for it by focusing on my lust for gathering and storing information, so one could say I've grown more 'mind over heart' as time's gone on.
clarity of thought before rashness of action