BetsyRath wrote:
Socioculturally - I think NT vs Aspie / (or NT vs fill in the blank _____) promotes a highly definitive and binary view of human neurology. Billions of points of a saddle curve would probably be more useful for comprehending our condition.
Yeah, that's true, but, it also goes the other way -- it reflects a binary view.
Sometimes, though, using a binary view point is a way to make something easier to talk about.
Me personally, I don't even fit into a binary division of AS/NT. No chance of me personally buying into it as an actual representation of reality. But sometimes it's useful. I do learn about myself and how I different from discussion that use that binary division.
not aspie, not NT, somewhere in between
Aspie Quiz: 110 Aspie, 103 Neurotypical.
Used to be more autistic than I am now.