One thing I went through was being told I needed to have more fun, and I didn't understand why because I thought I was having enough fun. Apparently not, since according to my parents, what I did wasn't fun and I had to do other things that were fun. This makes no sense to me even now because I always knew I was having fun and was happy when I was left alone, but that wasn't good enough for them. If I had been just let be, I'd have been fine.
However, they tried forcing other things on me I wasn't interested in so I could, at least in their eyes, start having fun, or so they said. I of course ended up miserable because I just wanted to do my own thing. I know now more than ever that it wasn't my fault I didn't like the same things others did.
I guess they thought forcing me to do other things and even denying me what I liked for these other things would make me start liking them, which in turn would make me normal. It never worked and has only bred resentment in me towards my family.
Sometimes it's best to just let the kid be.
"I am not a number, I am a free man!"