cosmiccat wrote:
I guess it could be called running away. I did leave home at age sixteen. In 1959, I met my husband, fell in love, got pregnant and married at sixteen. We both were not happy with our home environments, not that we were abused or anything, we both had very good parents, but we yearned for freedom and independence and since we were very much in love, we wanted to be together all the time and knew we would be happier on our own, which we were. Our parents were not happy with our choices, but learned to accept, after a while, that we were fully capable of living independently and taking care of ourselves. We lived a block away from my parents in a nice house that we rented; my husband was very mature for his age - 18, and had been working full time for a printing company since he was 15. We had a very traditional and old fashioned marriage which suited us fine. I don't know how easy that kind of running away would be today. We are still together and in love.
Hi, cosmiccat!
BTW, that sounds wonderful. If only more runaway incidents ended so nicely! I ran away twice, at ages 15 and 16. Both times it was because the dysfunction at home was driving me crazy, and there was abuse going on as well. I always got brought back, though...
Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.
-- Dr. Dale Turner