Do you start counting from zero, or the number the dial is at? what about when you spin clockwise? etc....
You don't start spinning the lock at any particular number, you just have to spin past the number, and then end on it, so that the amount of spins adds up to the given number of spins for each set of instructions.
1. Spin the dial three times clockwise and stop on the first number
Spin the dial clockwise past the first number two times, continue spinning, but stop when you come to the first number again. Usually, you can spin it any number of times you want past the first number, just so long as it's over two.
2. Spin the dial two times counterclockwise and stop on the second number
Spin the dial counterclockwise past the second number once, continue spinning, but stop when you come to it again.
3. Spin the dial clockwise to the final number
Do not spin past the final number, just turn the dial from its position at the second number clockwise to the final number, and stop there.
4. Open lock
You probably have this one under control, but as a piece of advice, if you are using a cheap lock, you may have to tug it hard a few times before it opens, and be sure that the dial doesn't slip off the appropriate number before you are able to open it. It's also a good idea to spin the lock again after you've closed it to make sure no one comes over and is able to pull it down and reopen it.
I almost always have to try atleast twice before I'm able to get any lock open, even if I've opened it a hundred times before. Sometimes, they don't close properly, either, you have to have the dial still on the final number for it to slide in right. My problem is that I get a little carried away with the spinning, and go past the numbers more times than I'm supposed to. I also get confused with clockwise and counterclockwise. I can't do it unless I picture a clock in my mind to remember which way is which, and my hands sometimes get ahead of my head.
If it becomes a real problem, try getting one of the locks that comes with a key, instead.