I'm an adult, currently diagnosed Dyspraxic, getting a formal assessment for Aspergers in a week or two. When I meltdown from overstim (either sensory input or social overload) it tends to be closer to a panic attack. Curling up in a foetal ball, crying, crying out, shaking, hyperventilating, muscle spasms (when I was younger), etc. I tend to just want to curl up in a dark, quiet place on my own and be left alone. My partner's had some success in holding me tightly through it, and I find that quite comforting.
I second the thing that someone said about preferring hard sensation to soft. Tickling/stroking evokes much stronger reactions in me, usually negatively. The only 'soft' sensation I like is having my hair brushed. Anything else just tends to make me want to flinch away.