After being hospitalised for a week due to a melt down I am now in an out patient group therepy thing and it sucks. I was fine in the hospital, the space was larger, there were lots of breaks where I could get some space alone etc. The out patient thing is in one room from 9-3 with 11 other people. The only breaks are for the bathroom. I am exhausted and thinking of not going back. I'm not sure what to do. I still need help, especially since the hospital put me on a low dose of risperidol and I'm supposed to get the refills from the Dr at the out patient thing.
I like the work shop learning part of the group but there is a lot of interaction which is difficult for me.
I think I need a different kind of help but I don't know how I'll find it. The group is creating more problems than it's solving.
Has anyone else done group stuff? How did you manage? Should I leave and look for help elsewhere?
Thanks! nelle