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30 Jan 2010, 1:20 am

I Am currently working with the doctors but I thought I might turn to the autistic comunity for help,

I have an 11 yeard old son named Chris he will be twelve in august. He hit all his milestones on time though as he got older he started to become violent. He seemed to derive pleasure from pain (laughed when he got shots) and the pain of others also seemed to bring him joy. He had killed a friends cat before as well and pushed a friend son down the stairs. He has also done manny simular behaiviors. We suaght the help of many proffessionals who told us he is to young to give a diagnosis but they suspect it is a form of scoieopathy or psychosis. They told us it is unussual for it to develope so early? One doctor put him on an antipsychotic. Chris is VERY intellegent and thats what made his behaiviors so frightening. I feard greatly for the safty of others as he grew up. Depsite my best efforts he to teach him empathy and sympathy for other he never developed it. He had no respect for women either despite my best efforts to teach it to him. We have therapey 3 times a week with him. (Chris has 7 other siblings all healthy and "Normal,")

Over the last few months his speach has been messing up. I didn't think much about it figuring his voice was starting to change. A week ago he had what I believe to be his first delousion and it scared the life out of me. I know NONE of the above have anything to do with autism but I a getting to it. Afer his first (and only) we went home his speach the whole evening was choppy and his balance seemed a bit off. The net morning he had no speach. His balance was also serously off and he had trouble with things as simple as ussing a glass. We went to the doctors and discovered a double ear innfection in the inner ear. Chris has insisted on using a sippie cup likly do to the balance (he would steal his brothers and wouldn't use his own glass) I have not heard him talk in a week. He will make noises and take things but wont speak, this last week he spent linning up objects and stacking them. He and his older brother Joseph have always been very close but not even Joseph can get chris to interact with him. Chris will just stair at him then go back to what he was doing. We have had cat scans therapy we have nueropsyc exams comming too. He also seems to have developed odd sencitivities and had a serous meltdown at the grocery store today,. He atcually stuck his hands in his cold cereal today I think he liked the cold scensation.. He also seems to be stimming more. he will also walk in circlesfor 30 minutes. His non verbal body language has also vanished, He has also been clingy at times.

A friend of mine asked if I thought it could be childhood disintagravitive disorder and I looked into it but he misses the age range by a year. I was wondering if he could have a comorbidity of one of the disorders he is suspected of having and CDD?

Does ANYONE have any idea about what could be going on?

We went to see his mom today and the first thing she said when she saw him she said "What have you done to our son?" :cry: I wish I had some answers but so far the doctors have given us none. How could my son regress so much? Could his odd speech have been a sign I missed? Are there any other signs I could have missed?

What do you think it could be? Does any one have any ideas? :?: :?

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30 Jan 2010, 3:49 am

Please take your son to a Doctor and get him a brain scan could be a brain tumour, the loss of functionality suggests this. Otherwise if this is not the case seek mental health services as he could be a danger to himself or others. Torturing animals is never a good sign and the lack of empathy suggests not aspergers but sociopathic behaviour your own safety and that of close family could be in danger. My own mother was a psychiatric nurse in a large mental hospital seek help soon it is for their own good and others.
Try the brain scan route first he may have some serious issues that affect his behaviour.


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30 Jan 2010, 5:48 am

I have no practical advice other than pursue this as a matter of urgency with the professionals. This sounds far beyond the scope of anyone here.

You must be going out of your mind with worry. To watch your child going through this and not have any clue what to do must be every parents nightmare. I wish you all the best and hope you find the strength you will need to deal with this.


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30 Jan 2010, 1:14 pm

We have been seeing doctors and therapiests and we have alot more we are gonning to see over the next few weeks. We had a cat scan that was normal. We went to doctors emediatly after he killed that cat too. I thought I had mentioned that. The doctors/ psychiatrists said he likly has either a scoieopathic/psycotic dsorder but he is to young to give and officail diagnosis. One of the doctors thought it could be a comorbidty of Childhood Dicentgrate disorder with a late on set but he is a year to old :?: This is being treated with with serous ergencey


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31 Jan 2010, 5:31 am

He's sadistic and intelligent... and he killed a cat...
I suggest the same what the above posters said. That's kind of scary.

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31 Jan 2010, 12:59 pm

Hey Danny how is Chris doing? Is he talking yet? Have you gotten the MRI yet?


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31 Jan 2010, 8:03 pm

just going to throw this out there...I saw a tv show where a child was regressing neurologically and having seizures and he ended up having a gluten allergy (his mother had it too all her life but they still missed it in the case of the child). Once he came off gluten he was fine. Since you are not getting any help at all from anyone it wouldn't hurt to pursue (free) alternative philosophies like food allergies and environmental causes, kind of study up on what could possibly be triggering this along with pursuing traditional therapies and allopathic medicine, especially neurologists since obviously that is what this is. I watch that show on Discovery Health where people have mystery illnesses and a lot of parents really have to become a sleuth to find out what is wrong.

I was watching one of those shows last night and this patient was having severe headaches and the doctors conferenced and decided her problem was psychological and the staff of the hospital were convinced she was a 'drug-seeker' (pain meds for the headaches)...the one doctor who believed her walked her out to her car one day and since it was a '57 chevy he asked her if he could drive it/ he ended up getting a huge headache and she passed out and it was then that he realized she had carbon monoxide poisoning because there was a leak in her car. Some molds are toxic and can cause brain damage and memory loss, kids are like the canary in the mine because of their smaller body size. I'm not diagnosing I'm just saying it could be any number of things and there is still a knee-jerk reaction of some traditional medicine practitioners to declare a psychological cause for anything that is not easily diagnosed. I have borderline/narcissism in my family and so I've spent a bit of time on online forums talking with people who have these family members and anti-social and my own 50 cent observation is that anti-social and sociopathic people get smarter and more cunning as they age. I never read anyone saying they had sudden regressions...they seem to get better at what they do, until law enforcement intervenes, it seems.


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01 Feb 2010, 9:11 am

Going to say it.

You are looking into it hard and seriously, good, may somdething turn up. Let me also suggest - look around and find a SERIOUS Classical Homeopath that you can talk to and who is willing to put in the time.

The mainline community scoffs - but there is a lot that gets blanked out, and I know of homeopaths swho have done very well with autism ans some pretty strange stuff. I would leave no stone unturned.

You might also check out the possibility of Craniosacral therapy.

Differebnt modalities for different issues.

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02 Feb 2010, 12:39 am

Sorry but this doesn't sound anything like autism to me. I know all the websites say "lack of empathy" is a symptom of Asperger's but if you talk to people with AS you realize that's not true--we care about people; we just can't tell what they're thinking.

I know of another condition that actually does cause lack of empathy and sympathy and causes violent behavior, including animal abuse. It's called psychopathy or sociopathy. Because labeling someone as a psychopath is so serious, most psychiatrists hesitate to do it before the child turns 18. You should look into it because if he's a psychopath and he's killed animals the other children around him and you yourself could be in danger.

Psychopaths are usually intelligent, very charming and glib, and are manipulative and often good liars. The word is most often used to describe murderers but only a small minority of psychopaths actually kill people. A lifetime of crime seems to follow most of them but much of the time they'll be robbers or white collar criminals. There is no cure. The best book on the subject, written by a psychiatrist in language that non-psychiatrists can understand, is Without A Conscience by Robert D. Hare. I hope my interpretation is wrong. Good luck.


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02 Feb 2010, 1:01 am

He could have conduct disorder:

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02 Feb 2010, 4:59 am

I really hope that things get better, for you.

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