syrella wrote:
Why someone would want to take medication if they don't need it baffles me, but I've heard of people who "fake it" to get sleep aids, pain medication, and other drugs.
Because the rules for prescription are so strict.
I've eaten a whole bunch of bananas directly before a blood-test to counteract my genetic pre-disposition for my potassium to be on the low side, because I knew a doctor wouldn't write a prescription for something I *did* in fact need, if it was outside the reference range,
regardless of the fact that my mother's has always tested low, as well, and I've been diagnosed as not having any kidney problem causing it.
I've lied to a new doctor about a skin condition before, leading him to believe I had run of the mill acne, when in fact I had a terrible infection previously-cultured as gram-negative folliculitis, because I knew the only drug that would treat it after the failure of over a dozen antibiotics (Accutane) was not at that time listed for G-N F treatment, whereas cystic acne was it's main label use.
When you've been put through the wringer and left multiple doctor's offices in tears because they refuse to give you the only drug that will help, that's when people start lying or being deceitful. In an ideal world, people wouldn't have to prostrate themselves before someone in a white coat to get treatment according to this or that FDA-defined guideline or indication for "need".
"Such is the Frailty
of the human Heart, that very few Men, who have no Property, have any Judgment of their own.
They talk and vote as they are directed by Some Man of Property, who has attached their Minds
to his Interest."