Why doe so many aspies wind up in mental wards?

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07 Feb 2009, 8:06 pm

Why do so many apsies find their way into the psych system?


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07 Feb 2009, 8:07 pm

I spent a week in one when I was 13... Even though they were good to me compared to most places, I hated it.


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07 Feb 2009, 8:28 pm

what is the approximate number each year that end up there? I don't know that this generalization is true.

I am one of those people who your mother used to warn you about.


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07 Feb 2009, 8:32 pm

We don't know, statistically, how many AS people end up in psychiatric wards.

The ones that do could go in because they've withdrawn from everyone and are silent, and schizophrenia is considered. They could be melting down a lot and a mood disorder could be considered.

Just dealing with the excessive stress of getting through an ordinary day could give the strongest AS the tendency to a breakdown, actually.


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07 Feb 2009, 8:34 pm

Probably because they can't fit into society, no matter how hard they try. This, and expectations people place on everyone, creates anxiety that usually ends up in a breakdown. Funnily enough, I read that it's particularly common for undiagnosed adults to end up in a psychiatric hospital due to this above (I read it at Attwood's).

I ended up there, for the same reason, and I was undiagnosed at the time.


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07 Feb 2009, 9:02 pm

Do they?

07 Feb 2009, 9:12 pm

I have never ended up in one but I almost got hospitalized one time when I was 12 after having a freak out. Then my parents decided to take me home once I got there.


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07 Feb 2009, 9:13 pm

Spokane_Girl wrote:
I have never ended up in one but I almost got hospitalized one time when I was 12 after having a freak out. Then my parents decided to take me home once I got there.

I want to hear this sotry!


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07 Feb 2009, 9:27 pm

Because slowly were all going crazy.

Some faster than others.

Im sure of it.

If there is a god, we are his cruel experiments and he sits up there on his clouds timing how long it takes for us to completely lose our minds.

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07 Feb 2009, 10:17 pm

I'm suprised I never ended up in one! Between being "different"(as my parents like to call it),and having everyone place they're crazy expectations on me, I can get pretty depressed. Add the confusion of working with people, and trying to figure out life in general as everyone around me seems to be doing fine, its tough. I can definitly see how it can get to be too much for people.


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07 Feb 2009, 11:15 pm

I went ONCE, as a visitor. NONE of the people I met seemed AS! I can't really say NT, because they DID have SEVERE mental problems. I saw perhaps 3 people that said they were jesus! The one I went to see just ran down a street naked with extreme mania.


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08 Feb 2009, 1:07 am

I got put in one when I was about 8 years old. My moms psychiatrist(and my former Dr. ) was obsessed that EVERYONE had bipolar disorder, and tried to put everyone on Lithium. My brother ended up in the psych ward, taken off the med, then shortly after him, I ended up in the psych ward becaseu the med was not right for me(They said i didn't have bipolar disorder) and i was taken off the med. Never did diagnose anything then, i guess. Then again when I was 14(2 times) for and eating disorder. General mental health wards are not trained in eating disorders, and just taught me how to hide things better. Then again when I was 19 eating disorder again, this time an actual eating disorder program(I got along with no one. Again when I was 20(this eating disorder program was an absoulue joke. I came away from there with post tramatic stress disorder, just after one week!) And then stuck in another menal health hospital later because of the PTSD and Eating disorder. The finally, at 24-25, I found a great eating diorder program that worked for me(still didn't get along with anyone and was concidered really difficult to work with). I got married at 26, moved out of my moms house, and no longer ended up being stuck in one of these awlful places anymore. I'm now 34. shows what your family can do to you throughout your childhood into adult hood. Get away from those that want to "Fix" you and you can then live your life YOUR way, whether they like it or not.
Its been found that many people with sensory integration disorder and autism spectrum disorders end up with an eating disorder of some kind, and body dysmorphic disorder(where what your are actually feeling and see your body as looking like is not what it really is. Seeiing it and feeling it in a way that is negative.)


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08 Feb 2009, 3:06 am

At age 21 i was placed in a psychiatric unit by my parents - ostensibly my stepmohter and father - with m ymother's knowledge.

it was claimed it was "voluntary" but i really had little choice.

I was there for 6 weeks and refused to attend any groups or OT or basket weaving! (funny that - the refusal to attend communal activities......)

I just sat on my own on a bed for the whole time i was there and got put on medication and then got pestered by all the Med students once they found out i was on par with them with my academic achievements.. I was their performing monkey i suppose.....

i also got pestered by various psychiatrists....

i have had numerous breakdowns due to an inability to cope with life because of AS related issues and traits. Sensory dysfunction can render me incapable of much on bad days. If i do not get good time with special interests i cannot really cope with normal life as others see it.

Last edited by millie on 08 Feb 2009, 6:09 am, edited 1 time in total.


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08 Feb 2009, 3:58 am

been one time when i was 10..and after that i was moved to group home so i could finish my studies but main problem for me are my meltdowns i like to plant my day and if something chances suddenly like needing to fastly in bank etc its not good and because i live in group home freaking out in someway(like banging head to wall)=restraining for your own good

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08 Feb 2009, 4:12 am

I was sent to see a psyh. twice as a kid,but after meeting my parents,they decided I was as normal as I could be under the circumstances ! !! I had no tools to deal with the facts that I was different,my family were weird,in a small town that =crazy.

I went once,voluntarily as an adult,for relationship problems,but knew I was way ahead of the Freudian who saw me-already into Jung on my own.
All he was interested in was why I did not want to sleep with my male flatmate.Sigh.

I'm lucky no one ever committed me during a freak-out-would still be inside-that part,my family hid away from the world.

The world out there with its drugs and silly psychs and lock-down wards has no way to deal with our pain and rage,hence
they make us vanish,either literally or into ourselves with tranks.

No disrespect to real therapists who work hard to help...they are like gold - hard to find.

I'm just realizing ..oh,wait,I have to Google that...


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08 Feb 2009, 9:13 am

I was there once for about 2 weeks when I was 10/11 (on my birthday!). It's all because I tried to kill my family when they took my computer away. Kind of silly (for me to do) looking back on it. But hey, whaddaya gonna do.

Reality is a nice place but I wouldn't want to live there