robinhood wrote:
Other WP members in the UK might be interested that other regional authorities are looking to build connections with the autism community before the new Autism Act comes fully into effect.
Wow; an Autism ACT
If you were meeting this guy... what would you want from him? Serious question (wherever you are in the world).... I'd love to know what people think before we meet him. And if you're in the UK, and you'd like to approach your local authorities about doing something in your area, what could our group do to help you?
I'm really glad that you have specific legislation for the Autism community.
There's nothing that I would want from this guy, or the Government, in any country.
This is for two reasons; I'm pretty much a lone ranger and I like to do things for myself and I'm fortunate enough to be one of the people on the spectrum that doesn't really don't NEED any outside help.
Don't get me wrong; my social life is on life support BUT my logical/intellectual life is very healthy and happy and I have a wonderful wife and children.
I don't need help with my business and I don't need money to supplement my income.
That said, I am sure that if I wasn't as independent (albeit married) that I may very well become LESS of a lone ranger
Good luck.
Now then, tell me. What did Miggs say to you? Multiple Miggs in the next cell. He hissed at you. What did he say?