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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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06 Feb 2010, 4:28 pm

Hello everyone.
I'm really not sure if I do have it, but I have been reading a lot about Asperger syndrome and I think I might have it.
Since I was about 14 I have developed some problems. I used to get very obsessed over everything, and I'd always seek reassurance in what I did and what I said. I have also started to notice that whenever I'm talking to people, I find it hard to look at them, I feel like I'm outside of my body and I have to tell myself, look at them or they'll think your rude. I have a lot of problem's knowing if people like me or if they think I'm weird, so I find myself saying less and less. Last year I made a lot of new friend's and I become very confident, running around the skate park's and introducing myself to everyone and then after a few week's I started to make up massive lie's about my life. I felt like if I made this fake me, then the real me wouldnt get hurt. Now I look back and I realise what I did was very stupid, but at the time it was natural. That got me into a lot of trouble and really knocked me back. I hardly ever go out, and even when I was engaged I was really paranoid and we hardly left the house. I thought her friend's and family didn't like me. We broke up in the end but not because of that, I started to loose my feelings for her over time and eventually had none. Anyways yeah, so I'm not sure, I communicate perfectly with all of my family and when I get to know people I start to really come out of my shell and I'm quite loud, but it take's a lot to trust people and whenever I'm going anywhere new or meeting new people, it feel's like I'm about to have heart surgery or something, I get really nervous and worried and everything..

Have I got it :s


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06 Feb 2010, 4:38 pm

Hi there

First step, find one of the online tests and give honest answers to the questions, that might give you a better idea of whether you're an aspie or not. The one I took was at

From the way you describe things that have happened you MIGHT be an aspie, but then I'm not a psychologist or psychiatrist.

Then, have a look around Wrong Planet and look at some of the things people are saying and doing to make life easier.


Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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06 Feb 2010, 5:11 pm

Your Aspie score: 135 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 88 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie

:S I'm really not sure, I don't think I'll go to the GP or anything like that, I'm scared encase I do have it.


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06 Feb 2010, 5:36 pm

i found it was good to know i do as it alleviates most of the guilt that surrounded me and helps me find out more about myself.


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06 Feb 2010, 5:51 pm

MagicBlue wrote:
:S I'm really not sure, I don't think I'll go to the GP or anything like that, I'm scared encase I do have it.

Scared of what? That a bright red AS will appear in scar tissue on your forehead? That all your teeth will fall out? That you'll begin walking with a limp and talking with a lisp and drool on yourself uncontrollably? :P

Asperger Syndrome is not a disease. Its a neurological condition, that - if you do have it - you were born with. If you've been living with it all your life, nothing's going to change just because you give it a name, except your own understanding of who you are and why some things are more challenging for you than for most other people. As you're probably already realizing, sometimes a simple explanation like that can suddenly cause a lot of stuff in your life to make much more sense.

Whether you want to get it formally diagnosed may just depend on how big an impact you feel it has on your life as a whole. Some people function so well, it hardly matters and they don't feel a need to make it official. Others find that its a genuine impedance to getting by and need access to social services that are only available if you're diagnosed by a professional.

Some want to know for sure that they're not just being Mental Health hypochondriacs, that AS really is what's causing them their challenges, not just defects in their personality. And for some, its a combination of reasons.

Your reasons for feeling a certain way about it may vary depending on what stage of life you're in - its a different set of problems when you're in school, than it is once you're a working adult - same difficulties, they just create slightly different problems. For instance, being snubbed or getting dumped can be painful and humiliating, but getting fired is not only that, but a much more serious and immediate crisis as well.

Anyhow, don't waste time and energy being afraid of it. All it would mean is that your brain's wiring diagram is a slightly different pattern than the average. So (if you are Aspergian) you think differently and perceive situations differently than most of the people around you. It causes them to look at you funny sometimes, but it doesn't make you a circus freak*. If there weren't people in the world who think differently than the rest of the crowd, we'd all still be living in caves and throwing poop at each other. :geek:
* no offense intended to circus freaks, for whom I have the utmost respect.

Last edited by Willard on 06 Feb 2010, 5:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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06 Feb 2010, 5:56 pm

Sounds more like you have social anxiety rather than AS.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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08 Feb 2010, 7:58 pm

I'd have to think that maybe GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) sounds like a better fit; but I'm not a Dr. If you feel that your symptoms are impeeding your ability to function then a talk with your dr is your best bet.