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06 Feb 2010, 9:59 am

Do you tend to be a cheapskate? I've noticed this trend in a few aspies I've known. If you are one, tell us some of the things you do that would make you a cheapskate or at least frugal.


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06 Feb 2010, 10:21 am

I don't know if I'm a cheapskate, but I will not buy something just because "oh that'd be nice". The only time I'll buy something if all my other ways to trying to make something work isn't possible. The only thing I use money for is making sure my car is always full of gas, never do I let it get past 3/4 of a tank.

I don't usually buy anything for myself, but yeah my folks tell me my wallet "squeaks". :D

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06 Feb 2010, 10:48 am

i am not that way at all, im a very impulsive buyer of gaming related stuff >_>

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06 Feb 2010, 11:07 am

I don't think I'm a cheapskate, but my wife would disagree. When I do spend money it's well researched, marketing targeting "social validation" manipulation is ineffective at getting my wallet open. Frugal word be a better term for my spending.

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06 Feb 2010, 1:55 pm

I need to be more frugal. I am the kind that knows the value of saving money, but have yet to put it into practice. I also tend to indulge in emotional spending. My weaknesses are gourmet teas, old books, and computer software.

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06 Feb 2010, 2:09 pm

books, puzzle magazines, computer games. food (i'm a foodie.) then there isn't a whole lot left for anything else.


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06 Feb 2010, 3:29 pm

Frugal, except when it comes to what I eat, because I'm picky with standards and that ends up costing me.


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06 Feb 2010, 3:52 pm

I think it's that logic thing that comes into play. The issue: getting your body from point A to point B. The solution: walk, bicycle, take a bus or taxi, drive a car, rent a limo, BUY a limo and rent a driver, take a helicopter, etc. We usually stop with the first one that works for us, not really seeing the 'prestige' value of one over the other.

I do agree we want to get the most bang for our buck, :D and half the fun is finding the better deal.

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06 Feb 2010, 5:30 pm

Getting obsessed with good deals can lead to spending too much money sometimes.. Like I see a giant sale and I have to go, and I have to buy as much as possible, because gee, if those patterns are 99 cents I just HAVE to buy the limit, or I find dupioni silk for $2/yard, and how can I not buy it all when it's pure silk for two dollars a yard? And then I have huge piles of fabric and patterns all over the place..


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06 Feb 2010, 6:09 pm

I am anything but a cheapskate. I don't like people who are. What good is money if you can't spend it on yourself, and make yourself happy?

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06 Feb 2010, 6:11 pm

I'm rather frugal myself, but that's mainly because I'm on a fixed income. I have no choice but to be careful with my money.

Of course, if I ever won the lottery (not likely, since lottery tickets are a luxury expense :P), I'd still be careful and stretch my dollar to the max. ;) Cheap... if you want to call it that, sure. Smart - absolutely! :D


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06 Feb 2010, 7:00 pm

persian85033 wrote:
I am anything but a cheapskate. I don't like people who are. What good is money if you can't spend it on yourself, and make yourself happy?

What good is spending money if you're perfectly happy with what you already have?

I don't buy much, because I was raised to be mindfull of how much I spend and what I spend it on. I also don't need much material property to be happy.

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06 Feb 2010, 7:31 pm

I do not often get out of the house to purchase items. But if I do, usually a lot of research has been done before I made the decision to purchase something. I like purchasing in actual stores because I can fit on things and I can get my items immediately.

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06 Feb 2010, 8:34 pm

Well... I tip really well, but other than that, yeah, I don't buy anything unless I have to.

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06 Feb 2010, 9:43 pm

I'm non-materialistic except when I run out of socks or need a jacket for the winter and shorts for the summer.
I tend to spend all my money on books and cds. I prefer cds to downloading because I like the clutter on them and my collection is growing very large. I may need another bookshelf for my cds. Oh and books but I now put my books in boxes because I've run out of room for them.
I suppose the most I spend on a single item would be a $2000 camera or lens, but that is a part of my obsession with photography.

I'm also not a cheap skate for the fact that I am poor.

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06 Feb 2010, 10:16 pm

apparantly I take after my autistic great uncle in being a total scrooge when it comes to money....i'm like an old lady and always looking for my moneys worth.I live in charity shops!xD guess it will come in use when I'm a student though...