ASdogGeek wrote:
Ihate touching and using towels.
Wet jeans
cleaning a carpet with carpet cleaner
wooly sweaters
sock seams under my toes (as achild I couldn't handle the seems in my socks
I hate when people sneeze loud
having my nails cut
people cracking thier knuckles or bitting thier nails
loud high pitched noises most electronics let off
I can't eat mashed potattos they make me gag because of the texture
cant eat spicey foods
fabrics that cling to your skin
I know there are more but can't think of them right now
I have the exact same sensitivities! Except for the spicy foods one - I actually love spicy foods. I also hate walking on the bare floor or on carpets barefoot, unless the carpets are made from natural fabric that feels nice. I don't wear shoes indoors, only socks, but I like it when my feet feel cold. I also can't stand putting on shoes without socks, and any synthetic fabrics against my skin in general.
The mashed potatoes one is a big one with me. People are always surprised that I don't eat mashed potatoes. They often served mashed potatoes in kindergarten; once I tried to eat it, and I gagged, too.
Another big one for me is plastic. I try to touch it as little as possible. It leaves a very unpleasant feeling after I touch it.
Leading a double life and loving it (but exhausted).
Likely ADHD instead of what I've been diagnosed with before.