AnAutisticMind wrote:
has anyone really looked at video of themselves when you were around 3 or 4 yrs old....this is a good way to determine some things
unfortunately i am 50 yrs old and no videos exist of me at that time
but i was the one running endlessley in circles..i was the one who played alone and wanted non one around me.....i was the one who acted crazy and beligerent, lol
btw, could someone help me pull an old thread i made about 5 months ago or so...i am not computer literate and cant seem to pull an old is titled,"symptoms of aspergers well defined"...i have been away for awhile and would like to finish it
Hello AnAutisticMInd
Depending on severity of the ASD, it can show up anywhere in childhood. My nephew showed clear indications of an ASD at two and three and even earlier (to his mother.)
In my case, the developmental issues became more apparent at around 8 or 9.The gap between me and others became more apparent then, and I became rebellious and problematic in my behaviour. (oppositionally defiant.) By age 11 I was lost socially and emotionally and throughout my teens things got even worse.
However, like Poopylungstuffing, prior to 9 people assumed I was a boy and not a girl as my behaviour was very active and I switched from ON to OFF with no mid range emotions. I also had looped verbal utterances - where I would make up a verse and say it for twenty minuted or an hour until everyone was driven crazy by it and then I would eventually have a meltdown and burst into a heap of tears. At that age also. my appearance accorded more with a boy's and I would only want to wear boy's soft cotton clothes (shorts and t.shirts and jeans) as everything else hurt and scratched and I hated the feel of my legs touching. (At 5 the prospect of a school uniform dress was just awful.)
Last edited by millie on 26 Jan 2010, 3:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.