Hmmm... I always have loved filling out forms, even when I was a little kid living with my mom. I used to take the credit applications and order forms from her catalogs and fill them out with fictional names & stuff.
Also I kind of like taking those tests with the computerized answer sheet where you fill in the little bubbles. I actually kind of enjoy taking tests in general - unless I don't know the answers - which usually doesn't come up. I'm a good tester.
I still get a little kick out of it. I just opened some mail and I have lots of forms to fill out! Better yet, some of them are going to be very lucrative. (Mileage reimbursement from a former employer and the like.)
You know what I have actually done, is to re-do forms that are clearly ancient, twentieth-generation copies, all wavery on the page and the lines aren't straight and something is glaringly WRONG with a little combination of the letters i, t and s and an apostrophe - which you'd think, people would try extra hard to avoid mistakes when they are making up a form that potentially could last for years....
Of course when I started my last job, which was really all about filling out forms, I re-designed all the forms for my office. They were basically the old forms exactly, except no formatting errors or misspellings or badly-centered, you name it, all the mistakes that were there. My forms were gorgeous, works of art.
OK that's one thing, but I also redesigned a couple of forms that our main office was using that were literally typed on a typewriter and the first run was probably printed on a ditto machine. (I may be the only one reading this who's old enough to know what a ditto machine is - or to have been hanging around the office chatting up the secretary, when the other kids were out for recess.) and distributed by dinosaurs! ::joke:: (my kids can't tell when I'm joking IRL either so no prob here)
And the forms looked like crap. So I just did them over until they were perfect and then made my reports on them and sent them back (with a few blanks of my new version of their form - which was very pretty! ...and theirs was illegible in spots!)
Always wondered why they didn't thank me, start using the new ones, give me a bonus and a promotion.
Well now that I'm at WP, I don't wonder anymore. I guess I was overstepping something or whatever. Like nobody's supposed to mention, oh, I can barely read your form and there isn't room to fill in my entire address in this tiny box and .... it was last revised in 1997 ... maybe it's like when my mother walks in my house, and immediately starts looking for something, anything (!) to clean ~~~ that drives me crazy.
Oh, did I digress? I think this post is long enough..... trying to stay on topic here (and I do take ADD meds......)
Oh but this is on topic - my daughter loves forms and tests as well, and she's as close to neurotypical as one of my relatives could possibly be. The boys groan at having to write anything (the older was diagnosed with dysgraphia).