R2D2, you have survived 60 years of challenges that most people never face for a day; now there is another challenge, a biggie, though you are not a beginner in dealing with the slings and arrows of outrageous fate; I know something of how you feel, when I was diagnosed with cancer in 2010, though mine was an easier form to treat than yours. My outlook was not considered all that good, given an inherent weakness in my immune function. I focused on the process, whatever the outcome. It helped me get through it to take each step as it came, one day at a time, not looking back, not looking forward. I met some wonderful people on the journey, and hope you do too; their energy and kindness seemed to strengthen me physically and emotionally.
So I hope that you too will meet such people as companions on the journey ahead. Your journey will not be an easy one, that's undeniable. Yet I hope there will still be wonderful experiences ahead of you. Right now you will be in shock. This wears off fairly quickly, and your masterly survival skills will kick in at that point. You will have many more of these than you perhaps realise. But for now there will be shock, grief, fear, emotional hurt. I am sad for your current situation. Will be thinking of you constantly as you move through the journey ahead, wishing for the best outcomes for you, and hoping that your are surrounded by care and love to support you through each stage of the process. Best of luck, R2D2, I am glad that you shared this and thank you.