Aimless wrote:
M_p_furo wrote:
I would have been angry as well. Especially with all the things that happened before your appointment, and yet you still got there on time and she didn't even have the courtesy to acknowledge your anger. For someone who works with people, she seems to suck at it.
I give you credit for being able to voice your anger, even though you said you were yelling. I wish I could yell. I just cry.
My version of yelling, which is speaking with emphasis
There's no need to be embarrassed, I would like that even better.
anxiety25 wrote:
Same most of the time, either that or I do come across as attacking because I just let it build up so much, and quite frankly, it is them that I'm ticked at for things that they have done.
When I'm agitated (one step away from anger) I may come across as attacking, but usually I will limit my comments or responses to as few words as possible. The more I talk, the greater chance there is for me to become fully angry.