timeisdead wrote:
They claim we have an inability to generalize but on the same token don't many NTs have the inability to specifiy (note that I said many, not all)? It seems they lack the ability to pick up differences in the usage of language. I know much of the generalization is used to support their own theories in life but these generalizations are often full of logical fallacies.
No, they do not, most can can be quite specific when it is utilitarian to do so.
Most people most of the time do not need to pick up the specifics of language that you refer to. It's just not a particularly necessary skill for day to day functioning.
Most people are quite capable of being specific about things they might need to be specific about, when it suits them and according to their needs, although there is of course the usual variation in language skills that can impact on the ability of some individuals to communicate in a specific manner.