Getting help on some treats without getting some diagnose?

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Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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18 Feb 2010, 5:42 am

I don't want to get a diagnoses, I don't care and it takes too much time, money and I don't want it on my medical records.

However, I'd like to improve myself on recognizing the emotions and eye's of others (i.e., I could keep on talking and annoying people sometimes without noticing it). I can do alot myself, but maybe I'm better of with some consultant for I may still fail to see things about myself.

Where would one find such help? I don't have much faith in psychiatrist since they appear only to be able to issue some standard tests.


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18 Feb 2010, 5:47 am

You can work on these problems by yourself. Read up about body language and watch two people interact. Study their movements and how they talk. Recognising emotions comes with a lot of experience. Maybe get another person to help explain them to you?

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