SnowWhite88 wrote:
Most people being accused of a crime are going to say "I didn't do it" when they do get caught, even though they are likely 100% guilty. Most criminals are well known for claiming innocence and otherwise lying about what they've done
WhoaWhoaWhoa -
Hoooold on there, Baba Looey. I understand what you mean, but saying "I didn't do it" when accused of a crime doesn't mean you're
likely guilty - who
wouldn't say that, especially if they
actually didn't do it? I mean, if saying "I didn't do it" makes you suspicious, what are you
supposed to say when you're innocent?
Of course a lot of guilty people are going to lie when confronted with their misdeeds, especially when that's going to automatically deprive them of their liberty, but if you paint everyone with that same broad brush, you're assuming that anyone who's ever accused is automatically guilty, that the authorities never make a mistake (or wrongfully persecute for their own political purposes). That's why, in theory at least, we're supposed to be living in a society in which everyone accused is 'presumed innocent' until
proven guilty. Although I'm not naive enough to believe that's actually the way it works out, since I think most juries are comprised of citizens with that same prejudicial attitude - that you wouldn't have been arrested if you weren't already guilty.
Oh yeah, eye contact.

Funny, lack of same is generally associated by 'common knowledge' ie, folk wisdom, with lying, probably because as any parent knows, when you confront a child with something naughty they've done and they deny it, they
can't look you in the eye. Grownups are a whole different story, because they know this already and easily learn to compensate for it. The best liars I've run across in my life (and unfortunately, there have been far too many), all look straight at you when they lie, without so much as a flinch.
I have seen some things mentioned in recent years on some of the crime dramas that sounds interesting - to the effect that when people during conversation look up and right, they're recalling, and when they look down and left, they're fictionalizing, or something like that - I may have it backwards or all screwed up, but it was interesting at the time... In any case, its something I don't think most people would be conscious of, therefore less likely to fake.