pandd wrote:
CaptainTrips222 wrote:
I don't think it's a matter of how bad one has it; I think it has more to do with a different type of aspergers, and how it effects one's perceptions and outlooks. I know there's a bazillion possibilities, so I do want your feedback. What do you think's going on here?
I think it has more do with personality, attitude, outlook etc. I think if you take a group of congenitally deaf people, there will be a number who would want to be "cured" and a number who do not want to be changed and do not see that they should become hearing just to fit in with the majority. It would be odd to interpret that as being the result of different kinds of congential deafness rather than as the result of different personalities and attitudes.
Maybe, but congenital deafness deals primarily with the absence of one of the senses, and we scientifically know what causes it, or what's missing in those people. Aspergers is neurological in nature, and is more likely to have some kind of impact on our personalities. It impacts the senses too (can, in some cases) but deals mostly with cognition, behavior and personality (if not, then I don't know why everyone's saying aspies are less likely to judge, steal, lie, etc.) Actually I like what somebody said earlier, that one's attitude toward AS may have to do with certain variables, and the symptoms you have that others may not.