pascalflower wrote:
Michael_Stuart wrote:
I don't think it's unreasonable that loneliness could cause a higher risk of heart disease. The key word is loneliness, as opposed to being alone. If you're lonely, you want to be with people which means you're stressed, which I understand leads to a greater risk of heart disease. Likewise I imagine being happy with social interactions can improve this. Don't take my word for anything though, my medical knowledge doesn't stretch much further than what I get from E.R.
I thing you've nailed it down. There really is a very fine line between good health and bad health, and having someone special, (family, friend, lover) can give you a little bit of an emotional edge to make the difference.
I have read articles that came to the same conclusion with mice. A group of mice were given the same amount of poison, and half were placed into cages alone, while the other half of the group were placed into cages with another mice. Most of the single mice died, and very few of the mice that were housed together died, and many of them made speedy recoveries.
I think people with autism lack a certain "self" to themselves and are therefore able to self stimulate, while NTs need another person to stimulate or motivate them. NTs have a hard time gaining self interest from within.
I think that when Auspies stim, they are fulfilling a need that most NTs need a close partner to fill. It makes you wonder, who is lacking, and who is really self sufficient!
No, I dont buy this argument. You made a bait and switch in the middle of the argument - if you were comparing Autistic people to AUTISTIC genetically-engineered mice, then maybe ...
but not when you are comparing Autistic people to "normal" mice.
Get the point ?
As I see it, the first link may be true, but the stress for the neurotypical is thusly:
1.) Neurotypicals have a dopamine addiction to social interaction within social rules and cues, such that they need to constantly feed their neurotype addition just like a heroin or cocaine user;
2.) Therefore, like Vampires, the neurotypicals MUST not be alone without a ready supply to feed their social addition, thusly, the neurotypical cannot be "alone" - i.e., without another with which to exercise the co-dependency social interations needed to feed the neurotypical dopamine social addiction;
3.) Therefore, to the neurotypical, "alone" is the same as "lonely" - both meaning the lack of a co-dependent 'other' with whom to socially interact within the social rules and cues that feed the social addition;
4.) When the neurotypical is "alone" a/k/a "lonely," this causes addiction withdrawal, and thusly stress develops in the neurotypical, leading to physical damage.
Whereas, the Autistic neurology does not have the social addiction features, and hence being "alone" to calm our oversensory neurology is not stress-producting for us. Therefore, for Autistics, there is a material difference between being "alone" and "lonely," because only the latter produces stress, whereas the former does not.
I'm just sayin' ...