Got me thinking, trying to analyze the situation by building different scenarios... if I am the father in this situation, hearing continued complaining would agitate me and having someone contribute to that would not make me any happier. If I am the little sister, I am feeling a little mocked because I have expressed myself and someone is questioning the validity of it and asking whether I am going to continue on about it for another 30 minutes. And if I am in the position of the elder sibling, I may have had prior problems with the sibling that led to the comment in the first place and felt attacked by my dad who didn't have the same 'experience set'. But the problem is - these are all just what I would do in that position, and have nothing to do with the reality of what they may have been thinking. There are times I am thankful that I am naturally quiet, in that if I were to speak more then I would often incite such a response in others, but you're not wrong in feeling as though he reacted strongly, just as he isn't necessarily wrong for having a strong reaction.
My thanks to all the wonderful members here; I will miss the opportunity to continue to learn and work with you.
For those who seek an alternative, it is coming.
So long, and thanks for all the fish!