heliocopters wrote:
Does anyone have any suggestions how how to do this? Typically my special interests are psychology or some sort of science, but every so often, more often than I would like, my special interest is a person, usually a friend. I want to get inside their consciousness and swim around in it and scrap their bones of every piece of them until I know every little thing. This also typically involves "crushy" feelings towards the person, and more often than not, it is not reciprocated.
So, I spend all of the time I possibly can hanging out with this person, not getting any schoolwork done, and just growing more and more frustrated because the feelings aren't reciprocated. I feel like that's gotta be kinda creepy for the other person as well. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make this stop? I need to do homework instead of pining over someone I can't have!
I just try and blank it out, just don;t look, look at the table whatever talk to somone who u know and is a long time friend or just a guy u occasionally walk back with(university is full of those kind of kids); when i look back at all the times i thought i was going get a girlfriend i feel pissed, mind u most of my mates are crap like that or at least don;t tell me so yeh i feel like i have a safety net- in that we;re all well u know....