Likewise but in my case the pain I used to experience had nothing to do with any gastrointestinal problems I could have (though I did have them as a child as well)
In my preteens I fell on my stomach once. The next morning when I woke up, I felt a sharp pain in the right low abdominal lobe if I am allowed to describe the sore place of my body so. I attributed this ailment of mine to my fall the previous day. The pain went away soon only to come back to me over the next years with the frequency of maybe 5-6 times a year (the last time was last year). It was a bit like the beginnings of appendicitis from what I read on the symptoms

Attempts to bend my right leg to my stomach only seemed to make the pain sharper, while when I didn't move, it often stopped hurting. The pain typically wore off after maybe an hour or so. Do you think it might have had any connections with that fall from before all those years and that it may have something to do with my appendix?

The same unpleasant physical sensations concern me when my belt is too tight too (like it took place today
), I forgot to add, but then I just need to loose it, though luckily this pain doesn't happen to me "out of the blue' any more.