ToughDiamond wrote:
I don't see much point trying to understand him, but he could be deepdown insecure and trying to hide it by making other people look silly.
Aurore wrote:
Unfortunately, this is very rare. Studies indicate that bullies and narcissists actually have higher self-esteem than other people, which is why they feel like they have the right to treat others like crap.
ToughDiamond wrote:
I always did try too hard to see the good in people
Aurore wrote:
Me too, learning that was absolutely heartbreaking for me. I am sure it is true for some people though.
some bullies do feel bad in hindsight for their actions in the past and do apologize in the future.
anxiety25 wrote:
Part of the problem is that you always hear people explain bullies in this way. I think in some way, it's supposed to make the person being bullied feel "empowered", or just raise their own self esteem in return. I'm really not sure though.
Its logic that came out of Freudian psychology the 'projection' defense mechanism.
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