Valoyossa wrote:
- I haven't ever seen as unsociable person as you!
- I'm loner, I don't need people
People later: Here comes Miss Überalles! How many dictionaries did you read yesterday? Can you already read in Japanese?
- I haven't ever seen as unsociable person as you!
- I'm Autistic
People later: Here comes Miss Insane! Do you have hallucinations? Does sb stalk you? Will you kill us?
Poland was a communist society for ages. That meant that all difference was to be stomped out by the Soviet overlords lest it become a threat. Old habits are simply hard to break. People wanted Western goodies (fancy clothes and American cars) without all the other stuff that comes along with it. Gee, now we have to accept weird people, now that we're Western? NO thank you! No that's not the way it is in the West, look at "Dynasty"! (Bad American TV show of the 80s, beamed into the Bloc by VOA, a show where everybody has perfect skin and nice teeth and is wealthy.) You can't change their minds. At least in the US people are open to changing their minds.
To be fair, life under the Nazis wasn't much better, the Germans murdered half the country, wiped out the ENTIRE CITY of Krakow, and after all that the Russians bombed Poland into oblivion to defeat the Germans. Before then? Poland was a ping pong ball between empires, part Germany, part Russia, and the Hapsburg dynasty had a big chunk of it for a while. You guys can't catch a break. Like Israel, everybody wants your land but they want to send the people back for a do-over. At least they don't want to kill you off. Oh yeah, Hitler said he wanted to exterminate the Slavs, and keep a remnant around to do work Germans were too good to do. Maybe Poland can figure out who the king is supposed to be, and bring him back. With your luck, you'd get "King Ralph", which was a cheap movie about a Las Vegas lounge lizard who becomes King of England.