Thank you so much for your support and advice everyone, it really helped me.
The presentation went fine, I am so relieved. In no way am I a great public speaker, but I didn't fall to pieces and (I hope) my fear wasn't too obvious. That's a huge achievement for me and I felt proud of myself, which isn't something I've felt in a very long time. I made sure that I aimed my body towards the audience so that I would force myself to look at them at least 45% of the time (well, I didn't really look at them, but in their general direction). I was helped along by the rest of the class, who were surprisingly supportive and understanding. They were actually pretty attentive and asked questions in the end. It's probably because most of them will have never heard me speak so they probably pitied me, but never mind. Plus, some people chuckled over a sarcastic comment I said, so that was a huge bonus.
My view of humanity has definitely improved after today.
I will admit, though, that I cheated and took one of my mum's beta blockers before the presentation. It didn't reduce the mental fear at all but it reduced the shaking. I didn't sleep at all last night because I was so anxious so I was a little desperate. I think the thing that helped the most was taking deep breaths and telling myself that nobody in the room wants me to fail..... or is even really listening at all. That helped a lot.
?For a moment, nothing happened. Then, after a second or so, nothing continued to happen.?