tSunshineLove wrote:
I can spot certain kinds of aspies pretty reliably online by their writing style. You know the type - really long, detailed, unbelievably well thought out bullet pointed tomes of informative illumination chock full of ten dollar words that cover every single aspect of the issue in question except for possibly the actual contextual social significance meant by the original poster. Pretty much every one I've called on it has admitted to at least some suspicion of being an aspie, if not being outright diagnosed.
I have NO idea WHAT you're talking about.
But, back to the point. I think once you KNOW about something, you are capable of spotting it in others. Once I learned about AS, I could immediately see my Dad was a classic case. I am 99% sure my boss has this, too. He's incapable of making eye contact, is kinda odd, is fascinated with history and he always wants an extreme amount of detailed info on something if I ask even a seemingly simple question. My brother I'm not sure about.
Similar with gluten intolerance. I see people all the time who I strongly suspect have it. I knew my brother had it. I knew my roommate had it before it was recently confirmed with a blood test. I suspect my other roommate has it, too. One of my friends would yell at me, "just because you can't eat gluten doesn't mean everyone else on the planet can't!" But, sorry, I know it when I see it.