ToughDiamond wrote:
Perhaps a big difference with NTs is that rather than shutting themselves away to ponder their mistakes in solitude, they'd be more likely to talk such matters over with friends? For example, personally I balk at the idea of CBT because I don't easily trust others enough to let them in on my self-improvement strageties, so I tend to practise my own, private cognitive therapy on myself, though I'm sure that others could give me a lot of insights that I'm blind to in my splendid isolation.
That is definately how it is for me. I talk whatever it is over with my husband, or friends or coworkers or call my Mom. This puts a ceiling on how much I can mull it over because once I exhaust the list of people to talk to, I'm done. People certainly don't want to hear about it a second or third or fourth time. And after I've talked it over with that many people, I generally have some ideas on how to make things go differently in the future.