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What Diagnoses Do You Have Along With Your ASD, Of The Ones Listed?
An Anxiety Disorder 19%  19%  [ 15 ]
A Mood Disorder 9%  9%  [ 7 ]
AD/HD 10%  10%  [ 8 ]
None of the above 15%  15%  [ 12 ]
Anxiety Disorder and Mood Disorder 18%  18%  [ 14 ]
Anxiety Disorder and AD/HD 6%  6%  [ 5 ]
Mood Disorder and AD/HD 5%  5%  [ 4 ]
Anxiety Disorder, Mood Disorder, and AD/HD 15%  15%  [ 12 ]
I don't have an ASD, but i have one or more of the above 3%  3%  [ 2 ]
I don't have an ASD or any of the above 1%  1%  [ 1 ]
Total votes : 80


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06 Mar 2010, 10:56 pm

Just want to see how common these conditions are in ASD people.


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06 Mar 2010, 11:15 pm

I have diagnosed OCD. My psychiatrist also has me down for a GAD diagnosis. I do have GAD, but OCD incorporates GAD worries, too, so I usually just say how I have OCD. I also have panic attacks related to my anxiety disorders, but I do not have panic disorder. (My panic attacks aren't out of the blue.) Lots of mood disorders in my family, but I do not have one. I am on the mood stabilizer Lamictal, but this is for my AS anger and mood swings. I do not have bipolar disorder or unipolar depression.

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06 Mar 2010, 11:21 pm

I have been diagnosed with social anxiety and a misdiagnosis of depression that was really PMDD. I'm yet to get evaluated for ADHD.

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06 Mar 2010, 11:25 pm

I didn't vote in the pole. I'm not sure how I feel about this.

As a teen, I was diagnosed with everything under the sun, while the AS was missed. I am furious about this.

But at the same time, it was only shortly after the diagnosis came out, I am female, and some things like rocking I only do in private or when really upset because I recognize it's "weird." I didn't really vocalize my troubles with social interaction, although I corrected EVERYONE'S grammar in group therapy until I corrected the mean therapist and he yelled, "WHY do you do that?!?!" in the middle of the session. Hello? How much more obvious can you be.

My current therapist spotted it in three or four 60-minute sessions, although she wasn't 100% confident about suggesting AS --- her first words were that I have "presentations of Asperger's" -- because I am a woman (presents differently) and she has never had a female AS patient. But after she told me a little about sensory integration, I found out about AS and immediately recognized myself and my father. This has only happened very recently.

So I am not sure what else I "actually" have and how much I consider as a consequence of AS.

Example, I get terribly painfully depressed, but mostly about my social rejection. I get terrible anxiety, but it's all related to social interactions. So does that "really" exist as another disorder, or should it all be lumped under the AS label? I mean, could one be AS and NOT be depressed and anxious and have OCD-type tendencies?

My 2 cents.

[edited for typo, clarification]


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06 Mar 2010, 11:52 pm

I voted none of the above, assuming OCD and mild dyslexia are neither anxiety nor mood disorders,

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06 Mar 2010, 11:55 pm

NOBS wrote:
I voted none of the above, assuming OCD and mild dyslexia are neither anxiety nor mood disorders,

OCD is classed as an anxiety disorder.

I have a mood disorder (depression) & have for quite a while.

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06 Mar 2010, 11:56 pm

OCD is classified as an anxiety disorder.


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06 Mar 2010, 11:58 pm

AS, depression, anxiety, OCD, ADD, dyspraxia, sensory issues, language processing disorder. All the labels I had in the past.

I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety along with my AS, same as for OCD for my thinking. I don't think it was ever a diagnoses because my mom said I was never diagnosed with it. But she mentions me having it and even my psychiatrist said something about it when I was diagnosed. It's just part of my AS.


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06 Mar 2010, 11:59 pm

And I'll just throw in that, not only is OCD classified as an anxiety disorder, it also is the most severe of the anxiety disorders. If you do not experience anxiety and just have obsessive tendencies/rituals, you do not have true OCD. There are many subsets of OCD, but they all have one thing in common: the obsessions cause severe anxiety.

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07 Mar 2010, 12:05 am

I don't know. I wouldn't say most severe.. I'd say that would vary by individual. Wouldn't someone with severe Agoraphobia be more severe than someone with mild to moderate OCD?


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07 Mar 2010, 12:41 am

I have depression and psychosis, along with my AS.

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07 Mar 2010, 1:28 am

I chose "Anxiety Disorder and Mood Disorder" because I was diagnosed as having bipolar disorder about 2 1/2 yeas ago & I've had very severe social anxiety ever since I was very, very young. There are "tiers" to my diagnosis. The first tier was bipolar, but an avoidant personality was second in line.
I haven't been diagnosed or tested for an ASD because I'm afraid of bringing it up to my psychiatrist, therapist, & vocational specialist. I plan on it, but I don't know when I'll gain the courage.

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07 Mar 2010, 4:00 am

I have GAD (an anxiety disorder), schizoaffective disorder (which is actually a psychotic disorder but it has mood symptoms) along with my high functioning autism. With my schizoaffective disorder its primarily the depressions that go along with it but I have had hypomanic episodes I don't think its severe enough for it to be true mania, I have never done anything risky or overspend money. In fact, I am terrified of losing money and everything we own (that is part of my anxiety issues). I believe I am more bipolar 2 rather than schizoaffective disorder because I don't really hear voices that often at all. The only delusions I get are when I am up and think everything's great and I will make hundreds of millions of dollars and change the world with my thoughts and art. Sad, I've had those delusions before and I loved them. The worst part is when reality sets in again putting me into another depression.


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07 Mar 2010, 4:01 am

I did not vote in the poll, I unsure if I have a good ability to be aware of the exact details of my mind. The problem is that I (like all others) view my own mind through a distorting mirror of my own mind. I have never been given a proper check of the mind by a professional so I can not know.

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Diagnosed under the DSM5 rules with autism spectrum disorder, under DSM4 psychologist said would have been AS (299.80) but I suspect that I am somewhere between 299.80 and 299.00 (Autism) under DSM4.


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07 Mar 2010, 4:14 am

OCD. I'm a copy of Monk.

It's not as disabling as the ASD though, even if it does cause more mental distress.


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07 Mar 2010, 9:24 am

ColdBlooded wrote:
I don't know. I wouldn't say most severe.. I'd say that would vary by individual. Wouldn't someone with severe Agoraphobia be more severe than someone with mild to moderate OCD?

Agoraphobia is very rare, and it is the most severe form of panic disorder. But when comparing the most severe form of panic disorder to the most severe form of OCD, yes, the OCD usually causes more anxiety and crippling symptoms. People with agoraphobia are terrified of leaving their house for fear of a panic attack, but so long as they do not leave, they are fine. You cannot escape OCD. It is there every minute of every day. When comparing mild to moderate panic disorder to mild to moderate OCD, again, the OCD typically causes more anxiety and debilitating symptoms.

On an unrelated note...
Firebird, psychotic symptoms do not occur during hypomania. Only individuals who are bipolar I become psychotic. Hypomania is not a psychotic state. Mania can be. Also, it doesn't sound as if you were diagnosed correctly. In schizoaffective disorder, the person also must experience psychotic symptoms when their mania or depression has been treated. If you only get psychotic symptoms while manic, you are simply bipolar I, not schizoaffective. Furthermore, your delusions are indicative of mania only, as they are mood congruent and of a grandiose nature. If you hear voices or have delusions when you aren't in a high period, then yes, you are schizoaffective. But if you honestly only have the psychotic symptoms when you're in a high period, you definitely need to tell you doctor this, because you have most likely been given the wrong diagnosis.

Helinger: Now, what do you see, John?
Nash: Recognition...
Helinger: Well, try seeing accomplishment!
Nash: Is there a difference?