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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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22 Mar 2010, 9:21 am

I was just wondering if anyone else has/suspects they have an ASD and can't find a genetic component?

I suspect I have AS, I fit most of the symptoms (except for crowds, but I was born in Manhattan, I think that might have been purely desensitization) However, it seems there's usually a large genetic component, and I can find almost no people in my family who might be on the spectrum. My parents aren't, though my mom has hinted that her dad might have AS tendencies, eg. special interests, a dislike of socialization, doesn't tend to change his routine, though he dislikes schedules, and I know that a cousin of hers was somewhere on the spectrum (they never told me where, but from what I've gathered, he was pretty much completely LFA) but I don't really count him, she had around 40 cousins (yep, first cousins) so I guess there's enough of a likelihood anyways that one of them will be on the spectrum that it really shouldn't be an indicator, especially as I've met the man's four siblings and seven nieces and nephews, they all seem completely NT, as do his parents.

Dad's family is harder, I know almost none of his relatives. Therefore, I have no way of judging whether any of them were on the spectrum. I'd guess my grandfather isn't, he's the only one I know (my grandmother died years ago, and my grandfather can't remember his grandparent's names, his memory's fine, even Dad's baby book has no hints) However, I heard no hints of AS tendencies at the few family reunions for my grandmother's family, except for a high proportion of his family going to MIT :lol: .

The most confusing part of this all is my most immediate family member, my brother. He's less than a year and a half younger than me, so we're pretty close. However, there are some sources of tension in our family, as my brother is extremely good at socialization. Not good in an aspie way, but he's good at socializing for a NT! It's hard to find a place in the family when there are almost no other aspies, and especially with my brother's friendships, etc looming over me all the time

Anyone else experience this? My parents put a big weight on friendships, etc, and think this is a "stage" I'll outgrow (and they acknowledged I seem pretty aspie), yet my brother fits those expectations perfectly.


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22 Mar 2010, 10:41 am

There are aspie genes from your mum (fewer in number to cause their aspieness, but give intelligence) and aspie genes on your dad's side. (Also fewer in number, so it's not harmful). But these genes combined in your genome. I think so.


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22 Mar 2010, 5:36 pm

Nobody else in my family is diagnosed.

All my siblings (2 sisters, one brother) seem to be perfectly NT. Well, I suppose my oldest sister shows a few mild traits.

My father and his mother both show strong signs of being close to the spectrum, if not on it.

Out of everyone, I'm the worst off. But that's ok, they're all pretty good to me even when I don't call or visit any of them for months.

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22 Mar 2010, 5:58 pm

Both my parents are morons, and all for of my grandparents were droolers. All my siblings and cousins fit the drooler profile. Then there is me. I am the first in my family as far back as any can tell me who has had any form of autism. I still think it's genetic, but I also think they need to do a LOT more research, because it's complicated. I was actually happy to go into foster care because not one person in my family was anything like me. I already checked to see if I was adopted. I'm not. Genetics=yes; simple genetics=no.

I just realized that I couldn't possibly realize what I just realized.

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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22 Mar 2010, 6:00 pm

Well there are or friends the rezesive genes.... its like to white people having a black baby tru a unknowen black grand father...

I believe asperger has a strong genetic component cause its starts to show when social behavior starts to be nessescary. Also can it be engineered in mice...