I was on paxil years ago - it did not do much for me personally - helped a little, but it did make me feel like I was not able to focus.
So years later I am trying Zoloft. I have to say I can tell myself that it is a big difference. Not a cure all - I still have some of the issues - temper, social issues. But even those things are better. I am starting to read up on this stuff, but I think everyone is different.
For me Z became a necessity. I had some issues with temper and not making good choices, so I am dealing with any side effects - the main one being absentmindedness. But I CAN focus.
A couple other things to mention that were not so obvious that they were issues. In fact I would argue in the past that they were NOT issues : SLEEP and WATER.
So sleep is so weird for me - I absolutely HAVE to sleep a consistent pattern. Sure, I can easily stay up to 2am, get up early (5,6am). Most times I do that I can still function pretty well. The problem is then I will have either random days where I am totally spaced and tired, or I have found it seriously lowers my temper threshold.
Zoloft made no difference in my sleepiness. Actually it may be helping a little.
Water was surprising too. 8 - 8oz / day? No, try a LOT more!! I am overweight, and water intake is supposed to be based on weight. Plus if you drink anything with caffeine that takes water out of your system that you have to replace. Anyway, I find that I generally feel more energetic and thus better with the temper and such.
She can try a different med that is similar to paxil and see if it gets rid of symptons, just dont give up!!
Unfortunately I think all these meds have SOME kind of effect - either sex drive, appetite, wakefulness, something. I just finally decided it was worth the tradeoff - a productive , happier life, but I have to try a little harder to keep track of things and keep my love life going in the right direction.
Finally, THERAPY -- I hope she is doing this -- this is tricky -- my therapist happened to be an Aspergers specialist, and that helps. She is also not afraid to throw new ideas to me. I have had lots of therapy of the years, and most of them just ask questions and listen. Not much feedback. But with her it's a lot different - lots of feedback. The KEY with this is to be OPEN MINDED and NOT get offended. Sometimes she says something that might get me upset, but I just take it in and tell her I will think about it. Most times after pondering later I understand the message, or it helps me discover something new.
This is still a journey for me, I still have all kinds of questions, but in my opinion those are the key things for me - MEDS, diet, water, sleep and therapy!
By the way, if she has good sleep habits, does she snore? If so, it might warrant the sleep study route - by chance I ended up having one, and I am treated for sleep apnea - I feel much better now that I am being treated.