I would never intentionally go back on my word to someone. I really try not to let people down. If I say I'm going to do something and then don't, there could be one of two reasons
(1) I forgot. I have ADHD Inattentive Type (diagnosed) and forgetfulness is not unheard of for me, especially when there are more demands on my time and energy than I know how to handle.
(2) It relates to a conversation I had while occupied with other things, and I was responding on automatic pilot while my brain wasn't processing a word of what was being said, so I'm not aware of the commitment I agreed to.
In general, I do try to follow through when I make promises to other people, and I think I'm usually pretty successful in this. I've been told that I'm very "reliable." However, there are times when I mess up because my brain fails me. This has been known to happen. Just this evening, I woke up from a post-work nap, saw that the clock said 7:40 and panicked, thinking that I'd forgotten to set my alarm, and was running late for work. After I realized that the clock said 7:40 p.m., not a.m., that it was awfully dark for 7:40 a.m., and I had clocked out of work for today three hours before that, it took several minutes for my heart to stop pounding from my rush of panic.
Fortunately, in this situation, I did not wind up leaving anyone in a lurch; I was just left feeling silly. If only all my mental lapses were like that. I get *very* angry at myself when I unintentionally let someone down
Getting back to the topic at hand, no, I don't think this is AS related. I'm not sure what the cause is. I know that I've had plenty of NTs make promises to me that they never followed through on. That always bothers me. Unfortunately, I tend to be unable to come up with appropriate ways to push the issue. Moreover, life experience has taught me that most people don't want to be bothered by me. Thus, I tend to just let things slide, or do them myself when possible.
I'm not sure what causes this particular phenomenon. It may just relate to our overworked, fast paced culture. When one's time and attention is being pulled in too many directions at once, a few details are likely to fall by the wayside. I know that I'm prone to overfocus on certain details, and overlook others completely. I imagine that NTs can get overloaded as well, though it may take more information for them to reach this point.
My point is hidden somewhere in this choatic mess of incoherent drivel. In short, no, I don't think this is an AS trait.
"And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad./ The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had."