Proposal for the Community (helping ourselves)

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22 Mar 2010, 8:41 pm

Something Ive had rattling round in my brain for a day or so (among other things) that i expressed (probaly badly) in another post *sins and quotes self to save linky/searching*

my humble self (honestly!) wrote:
i realised a day or so ago, guess what..

That Silence we try to maintain both in terms of what we reveal verbally(by never speaking up) and none verbally(by conforming behaviourly) when in NT society, that we learned from the times of our -probably bullied/picked on/demanded upon- early life, That "personal" silence that protects us and has probably protected Aspies for as long as we've been around, is what's let society develop WITHOUT us.

Society Learned how to assist and deal with wheelchair users, everyone knows not to stare, not to mention and to get the doors etc, it "helped" to be very visible and have very visible advocates and mostly today its "bad" too bully someone in a wheelchair.

We are (as has been said) Not visible, and that's by intent for many of us, are our advocates focusing on society accepting us and our PRESENT needs like wheelchair bound peoples did? No they're focused on a more "home care"/"privately done care" method of assistance and research/curing, the middle bit that other visibly "impaired" people get NOW is being overlooked because day in day out we maintain our Protective personal silence.

Those "before" us likely "kept silent", but today due to those with physical disabilities we have in most places the protective laws in place, in schools and in the workplace and most people (not all but most) have learned HOW to learn how to treat those "differently abled", Our silence which IS acceptable, has, it seems protected us -too- well.

"They" dont know about us interpersonally on an individual level and even if they did they wouldn't know how to deal with us, that level of blindness and ignorance is a recipe for disaster.

The information our Advocates diseminate to the public is largely useless because in many "at work"/"out and about" situations, no one knows who to apply it for.

The "Proposal":
A 1 inch by 1 inch "Badge" that can be worn on the collar, as a pendant, like a normal badge (on the chest) or even on a Tie and a carefully worded discreet Info sheet similar to the Metro line/Underground fold away "business card" map.


Made of clear plastic (so it isnt like a sore thumb) with its logo done in coloured (semi transparent)film, allowing it to "adapt" to the colour of outfit/fabric its on, the idea is being discreet and cool looking (i think it is :P) but not invisible.

Business card:
/VERY/ generalist and neutrally worded, aimed primarily at Employers/Schools, detailing the logo "meaning" and then ONLY "best help/approach" method, something like...

Info card Draft wrote:
Ask then allow your employee/student to leave while you read if that is too their preference.
Then Read the rest of this document First.

The symbol ("A psi S" symbol) indicates its bearer has been diagnosed with an Autistic spectrum disorder,
NOTHING has infact changed about them or their relationship with you/your organisation aside from you now know one new thing about them, Autistic spectrum disorders(ASDs) are clinically recognised and is in a majority of cases a "None Visible" disability (unlike many mobility related disabilities) with a wide range of severities.

What To Know:
ASDs have two broad categories, Higher and Lower functioning.
As General guidelines the following applies to both (though may not have been revealed, or applicable in all cases)

"Touch" Sensitivity:
Within the ASDs the degree of touch sensitivity can vary from individual to individual, for some there is none, for most however, Human to human contact (even handshaking/pat on the shoulder) or contact with certain textures can range from uncomfortable, to quite emotionally unsettling to physically painful, wearing gloves (please permit where possible) can reduce or mitigate the damage/discomfort from none-consented physical contact, this is dependant on the individuals degree of physical sensitivity.

Social Skill difficulties/differences:
Within the ASDs the degree of Social Skill difficulties can vary from individual to individual, eyecontact may be avoided (as this can evoke a similar response to physical contact sensitivity)
Speech may contain oddities or repetitions (or may not, this can be a stress coping mechanism)
It may even appear that sometimes the individuals lack of verbal response or absence of "Attention Indicators" usually present in a persons Body language is deliberate ignorance, Aloofness or rudeness on their part. (it is not, read on please).

Alternate Primary Perception Mechanism:
Recent research has demonstrated that individuals on the autistic spectrum have Hearing/Aural perception as their Primary perception mechanism (as opposed to Visual perception being primary), this can lead to minimal development and use of the "Attention Indicators" individuals NOT on the Autistic Spectrum demonstrate in Body-language and directing of the eyes, And at times minimal development in "reading" Body-language (Specific to Individual), Individuals on the Higher Functioning end of the spectrum often make attempts to demonstrate common social behaviours so as not to upset or offend others, however success is variable.

It can also mean that loud noisy environments can become as stressful or upsetting to someone on the autistic spectrum as being put into a dark silent room with fast moving, random and intense flashes of neon spotlights would become stressful for someone not "on the spectrum", In many cases (where possible) Individuals with Higher Functioning ASD will cope or find discreet sensible ways to "get a break" from noisy environments where appropriate.

Final Important notes:
ASDs are covered by the same Anti-Discrimination Laws and Policies and are viewed as requiring the same basic equal rights and respect as any person with a physical mobility disability.
It is likely the Individual who gave you this to read will not "change" from how you know them, you have merely been entrusted with one more piece of personal information about them as a person to assist you and your organisation in meeting standards and maintaining a pleasant effective facility.


Comments, idea's, rewrites of the info card are all welcome!!.

Primarily thinking advising AGAINST having a badge/card in school (bullying today is less effectively dealt with in schools than it is in workplaces, at least in the UK) for a few years.

This or something similar should give those who are interested in educating the general public about those of us on the spectrum a means to have their information associated with someone people know instead of being dismissed or forgotten due to our lack of visibility.

I think we CAN get a world that caters abit more to our needs as well as it does NTs, it was done by and for wheelchair users, we just have to be a tiny bit more visible.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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22 Mar 2010, 8:53 pm

Completely unnecessary imo.

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22 Mar 2010, 10:04 pm

This sounds like a pretty cool idea. I'm not sure if it's already implemented somewhere else though. I have seen a lot of Nuero Diversity advocates. This should be an idea that a large enough foundation that is working on such a thing should be given. It might have already been thought about before though.

The reason I say it's a good idea is that some of us can't put into better words of how to explain ourselves. It's not like we want to explain ourselves to get off easy, but we want to explain ourselves so people know what's right and wrong. A part of growing up in such a diverse culture such as we have for ourselves as human beings is learning how others are like. Being different should be encouraged. And everyone knows that if you have problems, your brain will compensate some other way. So if our brains fail socially, then we should express our intelligence with joy. If it weren't for intelligent people, we would not advance as a civilization.


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22 Mar 2010, 10:10 pm

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23 Mar 2010, 9:14 am

Kelpie wrote:
. . .The reason I say it's a good idea is that some of us can't put into better words of how to explain ourselves. It's not like we want to explain ourselves to get off easy, but we want to explain ourselves so people know what's right and wrong. A part of growing up in such a diverse culture such as we have for ourselves as human beings is learning how others are like. . .

This is indeed the main reason, I can "pass" as NT with about 98% success rate for about 20 hours all day everyday, Ive had too and i suspect i am not as far along on the HF spectrum as others, I can communicate such things to others, but i am aware alot of us cant, and I'd rather give someone a card to read with the basic "acceptable" "not acceptable" things laid out.. than explain, over and over and over and over again (I did used to meet alot of people).

Its also for those of us who cant really communicate our needs to others, i'll give you some examples.

You wake up on the ground with hands on you prodding and poking, your in physical pain though arent sure why right then.

horrible isnt it? the hands are paramedics trying to help you, theres been an accident, its been noticed that youve become concious, however theres no "sign" your on the spectrum so there's no way for the people trying to help you to know they are causing you distress, something as simple as this badge could help the paramedics to know how to treat you more effectively and comfortably, NT's would find appropriate touch supportive, alot of us may find its the opposite, the same would go for hospital visits, a "sign" of some kind would let the staff know to minimise contact where possible, or warn/explain the matter before going ahead.

Man is going to a job interview as a carer, he helps the wheelchair bound lady coming out the building down the steps then goes on in, finds where he's meant to go and goes sits in the reception area waiting, theres only some magazines, himself a woman stood at the far end by the reception desk and a kid playing with some toys, the man of course says hello to the kid (he's a nice guy), and gets no answer, he goes over to check on the kid bends down abit trying to look at the kids face, the man asks if the kid is alright, no answer just on with the playing, the Normal thing to do here is what he does, a light tap on the kids shoulder (just incase the kids really distracted)... ever heard a child on the spectrum SCREAM because they've been touched? i have

something like the badge could be noticed when he looks for the kids face and "explain" it all, why he wasnt answered and what he should NOT do, how often do you think variants of the above situation happens Daily in the developed world?

I dont need this sort of thing for myself, i can smile utterly convincingly when shaking someones hand, they dont seem to notice the discomfort and ive learned to live with it.

But i'd wear this and carry the card because i know it'll help the society around us learn about us and whats right, in reality its completely unnecessary for me but i know once recognisable to the general public it'd make my life abit easier and spare alot of those like me anything from constant minor discomfort to unintended torture.

This is a Community proposal, because that's what it is, something "by" us, "for" us, not something handed to us by an organisation or government that's "required", if there's enough interest/approval i'll try to set up making these badges and cards to be sold at cost online, if there isnt *shrugs* well.. that's okay too :) because its just an idea we can work on to help ourselves collectively, or not.


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23 Mar 2010, 9:17 am

I think the idea of somehow finding ways to interact more with mainstream society is a good one. I find the idea of wearing a badge a very poor one.

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23 Mar 2010, 9:30 am

yups, badge isnt a great idea, but then if someone else can come up with a discreet optional way of being identified as needed a "different approach" please suggest it.

Tattoo's arent optional really, saying "hi im autistic" to people your likely to meet often is NOT fun and you might not be able to speak at points that it would really help for it to be known you require a different approach.

the reasoning for something like a badge or "uniform pin" that can work as a brooch/badge or pendant fob is, Visibility (the primary means for most people to identify others).
its ALWAYS optional (you can just not wear it except at work or wherever you choose too).

as a community thing suggestions/idea's/improvements arent just welcome, They're WANTED.