IdahoRose wrote:
When people say something nice about my interests, or something that I agree with, it gives me feelings of euphoria. But when they say something negative, I have a hard time not taking it personally. Since my interests are so closely tied to my identity, I feel that if someone says something bad about my interests, it's almost as bad as (if not worse than) if they had insulted me directly as a person. It is for this reason that I avoid reading reviews for Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland film, because most reviews for it are negative in some form or another. On the other hand, I love reading what people have to say about the TV show Adventures in Wonderland, because it's so little-known that its few fans tend to stick together.
It's funny you say this, cuz I was the same way when I was younger. I can remember playing some Smiths songs in the car once and my brother saying how terrible they were and how lame the songs were and I started crying! I felt like he had insulted ME as a person (just like how you said you feel!).
I haven't grown out of this, but I guess I only care if people I know in real life insult my special interests.