I am a NT, but my cousin has asperger syndrome and i can honestly say she is cool. I am 18 and I think I am old enough to know what this is, and I'm going to tell the truth about it.
Aspies are normal. They are able-bodied, intellegent, ordinary individuals. When it comes down to it, Aspergers is only a little condition what just makes them find a few things difficult - that's all.
But everywhere you read about this stuff, it always over-says it, as if it's trying to say ''Aspies are completely different, and NTs are perfect'' - wrong. NTs find things difficult, just like Aspies do.
NTs get get obsessed. I'm obsessed with guitar music, and I really love the guitar. I've literally built three guitars, and I've brought an expensive guitar, and I have music sheets all over my room. I sometimes even want to be alone to practice. I even want everyone else to like guitars, although not everyone does like my interest. So I have a obsession with guitars - it's my special interest. See - even NTs have a special interest. Where would we be without special interests? We'd be boring!
I get anxious too. My Mum and Dad have split up two years ago, and it's still as awful as what it was when it first happened. My Mum has left and she wants my Dad to sell up the house, and so on. This is making me very anxious. I'm even finding myself following my Dad about instead of being out with friends, because I feel quite insecure. I'm not ready to move out, and I haven't even got a girlfriend yet.
I don't like clubbing because it's boring, and my mates aren't the sort to go clubbing. My best mate has got some learning difficulties, but so what? He's cool.
So I hope you Aspies feel a bit better now, because if you read this meeage carefully you will look at yourself and think, ''yeh, I am normal. I'm not ret*d. I can do things for myself. I just have a few difficulties, that's all. But that doesn't stop me from living a full, healthy life.'' Some people are born with Down's Sydrome, or some are even born deformed, and some are born with terminal diseases, and some are born where they have to be in a wheelchair all their lives. Think of how they feel. My heart goes out to them! But for you Aspies - you are individuals, just like everybody else. And even NTs get bullied at school. I knew someone who had no learning difficulties or anything, and she was so badly bullied that she had to be taken out of the school. And I know another NT who had such bad panic attacks of going to the big school that he had to go part-time. None of the other in his class had that problem. So even NTs can be weird.
(You might say, Aspies may be able to do better than most NTs!! !)
Keep smiling