I've had a lot of trouble with this personally, and I'm sure it's a really common issue. I found that one of my biggest obstacles was a family constantly trying to change who I was, and pushing me into doing things I simply wasn't comfortable with.
Being disowned by my mother, and learning to hate her so much, it's made it easy to let go of all the things she tried to ingrain in my head about who I was or should be. Now that I'm working it out for once, I'm finding that the results are almost immediate. The more honest I am, and the more I let go of her worldviews, the better my life seems to become.
There are parts of my personality I used to be ashamed of because of my mother, and now I'm finding socially acceptable ways to display them. It's just a matter of finding the right words and expressions for what comes very naturally.
Learning to accept and emphasize my own deeply personal maxims, which for others could involve art, academia, literature, music, or charitable work, it really changes the way people look at me, but in a good way. Doing things I feel I should be doing just as a good human being, it improves my social image all around.
I've accepted that there are large swathes of the population I'll never befriend, or have a chance at dating. There are plenty of others out there with whom I'll get along great. I encounter them all the time.
Letting go of everything people have told me, and showing a willingness to disregard everything I've ever heard, for once life seems tolerable, and it's starting to get better all the time.
I just wish I could have done this earlier. When you're letting other people tell you who you are, or should be, it's incredibly difficult to be yourself. I'm sure this is why a lot of the older Aspies on this site seem to have worked things out. The more successful (happy) individuals here were either lucky enough to have an accepting family, or made the tough choice to disregard what they had been told for years.
"Compassion - Everyone is full of it until someone has a problem."