pumibel wrote:
You worry me sometimes Willard. You make a lot of suicidal comments, and I wonder what could happen to make things better for you. There has to be something out there to make you happy or at least take the edge off. Ever thought about what that could be? Does bitching help you? I'm serious not being sarcastic at all.
No, bitching does not help me. Actually, of all my comments, those are a tiny handful, but I'll keep them to myself. I hate people who cry wolf, it's pathetic. I would never want to sound like that.
What would make me happy is having a purpose, but I'm not allowed that, because my Autism annoyed someone and they happen to be a state sanctioned bully, who is now allowed to prevent me from making a living. Its not actionable discrimination because that would mean some lazy bureaucrat would have to get up off their flabby @ss and actually advocate for justice to be done and that's
waaay too much like work.
What would make me happy is having some recourse to justice when someone gets in my face and spits on me for being different, calls me names, screams at me things like "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST BE LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE!?!" - what would make me happy is if there were some person, some agency, some group or office who would actually step in and say "
Hey - you can't treat people that way - everybody has basic human dignity" But there isn't anyone like that. I've been bullied that way regularly for over 50 years now and no one has ever raised a finger to stop that kind of abuse. Some have actually steered me into it to save themselves a little trouble. Now the bullies are coming to my door to harass me in my own home. What's next? It's a rhetorical question, I know what's next: more of the same.